Road Connectivity Improvement Project (RCIP)

  • ថ្ងៃទី៧ ខែធ្នូ ឆ្នាំ២០២៣ ម៉ោង ១១:៤៣ ព្រឹក
  • CRCIProjet
Pages from Public Consultation Data for 3 Provinces 04Dec AF

Public Consultations held in Tboung Khmum (CW3 – TBK) and Kratie (CW1 – KRT) on 01 December 2023, and Kampong Cham (CW2-KC) from June-September 2023

Pages from Public Consultation Data for 3 Provinces 04Dec AF

Public Consultation Data for 3 Provinces -04Dec AF

