Climate Resilient Rural Infrastructure Development Project (CRRIDP) Description of Work: CW-CRRIDP-MRD-KHM-25-2022 (Improvement of 23 Roads, 149.60km in six Provinces) EDCF Loan No. KHM-25
- ថ្ងៃទី៣១ ខែមិនា ឆ្នាំ២០២២ ម៉ោង ១:៥១ ល្ងាច
- សកម្មភាពក្រសួង

The Royal Government of the Kingdom of Cambodia has applied for a loan from the Export-Import Bank of Korea from the resources of the Economic Development Cooperation Fund (EDCF) of the Republic of Korea in the amount of US$ 57 million (Fifty Severn Million US Dollars) towards the cost of Climate Resilient Rural Infrastructure Development Project (called as the “Project”), and intends to apply a portion of the proceeds of this loan to payments under the civil works contract, CW- CRRIDP-MRD-KHM-25-2022 package, for the captioned Project. Bidding will be governed by the Export-Import Bank of Korea’s Guidelines for Procurement under the EDCF Loan.
The Project Executing Agency (PEA), Ministry of Rural Development (MRD), now invites sealed bids from eligible bidders for the Civil Works of the Project within a duration of 32 months from the commencement date for the Contract package CW-CRRIDP-MRD-KHM-25-2022, improving 23 roads with a total length of 149.6km located in six (6) provinces including Tboung Khmum, Kampong Cham, Prey Veng, Kampong Speu, Kampong Chhnang and Kandal.
Bidding will be conducted among Korean companies through Competitive Bidding (CB) Procedures specified in the Guidelines for Procurement under the EDCF Loans and is open to all the eligible bidders that also meet the following minimum qualification criteria:
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