ឯកឧត្តម ឈឹម សៅគី អញ្ជើញជាអធិបតីក្នុងពិធីបិទសិក្ខាសាលាត្រួតពិនិត្យចុងក្រោយលើសេចក្ដីព្រាងបទដ្ឋានបច្ចេកទេសផ្លូវជនបទ
១ ម៉ោងមុន ថ្ងៃទី៤ ខែធ្នូ ២០២៤
The Royal Government of Cambodia (RGC) has received a Grant and loans from KfW, AFD and EU AIF toward the cost of Rural Infrastructure Development Program for Cambodia (RID4CAM) and now we wishes to invite all competent consultant’s companies for expression of their interest as having detail information bellows: